
Clayton Vance Architecture offers architectural and consulting services wherever needed.  We do residential and small commercial architecture, urban design and master planning, landscape design, interior design, and memorial design.

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Architecture & Interior Design

We specialize in Residential and Small Commercial architecture.  We do larger commercial conceptual and schematic design and work with larger firms to finish the construction documents.  

Our goal is to generate the drawings that make your dreams become reality.  We are uniquely trained in traditional architecture while also embracing the modern and contemporary.

The design process begins with conceptual drawings and schematic layouts based on your input.  After we determine the character and general concept, we refine that concept through the design development phase.  After we've refined the elevations and floor plans we generate the construction documents that enable the structure to get built.  

We work with contractors during construction to ensure design intent is realized and assist with answering the inevitable questions.  

Building a custom home or commercial building is a uniquely creative experience.  It begins with an idea that is expressed in plan, section, and elevation.  Then it becomes a three dimensional reality.  Every time a new structure is done, it's amazing how it looks like the drawings.  If the drawings look good, the building will look good.  We aim from creative, beautiful, and timeless while meeting all the practical needs of our clients.

Architecture doesn't stop with the exterior details and finishes.  The story continues inside and influences how we live, how we feel, and how connected we feel to our surroundings.   

Clayton Vance Architecture can be intimately involved in designing every molding and detail of the home while consulting through the entire construction process.  We also collaborate well with other interior designers and decorators of your choosing


Urban Design and Master Plans

Urban Design encompasses an array of services.  

We offer:

Master Planning

Conceptual Design and Visioning 

  • Rendering and Real Estate Marketing

Neighborhood Design

Design Guidelines (writing and consulting)



It begins with a master plan.  A comprehensive vision of the character and sense of place will produce the best results. We are experts in helping define that character.  Having been trained in traditional urbanism, we understand how the different elements that make a community need to work together to achieve an enduring and sustainable, walkable, driveable, enjoyable community.

We provide modeling, plans, and area calculations for developers to conduct feasibility studies.



We provide developers concept studies and fly-through videos to understand how the site will lay out and feel.  We provide preliminary building design to help establish the character of the place.  We work with developers to help them realize their vision.



We love providing renderings and real estate marketing pieces and other graphic design services to help developers market their projects.



It is critical to get the street grid right when making new neighborhoods. The lot sizes, what directions they should face on corners, lot restrictions, etc. are all important considerations when developing a neighborhood.  We provide creativity and practicality to produce neighborhoods with character.



HOA's and cities are becoming more perplexed at how to handle designs that follow the letter of the law but entirely miss the spirit of the law.  Though no set of design guidelines can provide a fool proof strategy, we offer consulting services to write better guidelines and get better results.

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Landscape and Memorial Design

Our work ranges from local to regional projects, and includes park design, residential landscapes, cemetery design, and urban projects.  We recognize the importance of the landscape in place-making.

Of all the structures that get built, funerary memorials and monuments are the ones you can be assured will still be here in 300 years ...and beyond.   

Thousands of years of design refinement developed architectural languages that are beautiful, timeless, and symbolic.  Whether Classical, Gothic, or another culture, our team designs authentic works that properly memorialize the deceased.  

Our Team consists of Classically trained Artists, Sculptures, and Architects.  

We do cemetery master planning and design, mausoleums, cremation niches, pavilions, follies, statuary, and monuments.